Author Archives: Dan

Trippin’ on Multiple Sclerosis

As we finished our post-church coffee and muffin, Jennifer commented to me, “Why am I so darn tired this morning?” I paused, squinted my eyes as I looked through my mind for explanations, and then smiled. “You do realize that a week ago at this time,” I asked, “we were at the airport in Nashville…Continue Reading

Embrace your caregiving strength

I never feel inferior when I overhear friends talking about their shared challenges and triumphs lifting weights at the gym. Oh, I should be jealous of their work ethic and marvel in their hard-earned masculinity. But I’m not. I truly have nothing but respect for what they accomplish through their squats, curls, presses, deadlifts and…Continue Reading

MS shouldn’t stop your summer fun

Hooray! Summer officially arrives Wednesday, June 21. That means school’s out, warmer weather, beaches, and suntan lotion, as well as family fun, vacations and reunions. But when you’re living with Multiple Sclerosis (or any other chronic illness), summer fun isn’t as simple as it used to be. We had the opportunity to share our “7…Continue Reading

Speaking of Dan’s workplace accommodation

It wasn’t supposed to come to this: Me, asking for a workplace accommodation because of my Multiple Sclerosis. I was invincible for more than 17 years as the assistant director of publications at Central Michigan University. I even had an office on the second floor and never once flinched at repeatedly climbing two flights of…Continue Reading

Meme MS inspiration

You likely have seen a meme. Facebook, Twitter and other social media resources are chock full of these images or pieces of text intended to make people laugh, think or feel inspired and ultimately moved to share them with their friends and followers. We’ve tried our hands (and invoked the help of our talented friends…Continue Reading