Category Archives: Catch the Digmanns

MS shouldn’t stop your summer fun

Hooray! Summer officially arrives Wednesday, June 21. That means school’s out, warmer weather, beaches, and suntan lotion, as well as family fun, vacations and reunions. But when you’re living with Multiple Sclerosis (or any other chronic illness), summer fun isn’t as simple as it used to be. We had the opportunity to share our “7…Continue Reading

A tough way to almost get to The Big Easy

To say Dan and I were looking forward to our trip to New Orleans to serve as the NMSS Louisiana Chapter’s On the Move Luncheon keynote speakers would be putting it mildly. After all, we’ve had a daily countdown written on our refrigerator for the 45 days leading up to our travels. 45… 44… and…Continue Reading

Blessings & Baton Rouge: MS On the Move Luncheon

On a typical Sunday, I often extend my right hand asking, “How are you this morning, Chris?” And her usual response is a heartfelt, “Blessed.”  That frequent exchange at church is quick, and so powerful. Just that one word: blessed. Dan and I often have discussed the concept of being blessed. Since we both are…Continue Reading

Odds and Ends

Merriam‑Webster defines “odds and ends” as, “miscellaneous articles or remnants.” This is a perfect title to capture all of the assorted bits I want to share on this chilly fall morning. First and foremost, Dan and I thank each and every one of you who shared kind thoughts and words consoling us after Cooper’s sudden…Continue Reading

Discovering power in MS advocacy

Multiple Sclerosis possesses weapons that should make Dan and me feel powerless. Striking us with extreme fatigue. Weakening our limbs with constant numbness. Robbing me of my ability to walk. Powerless. But that’s not how we’ve rolled, both literally and figuratively, in our 10 years of marriage. Dan and I have lived to redefine what…Continue Reading

MS lessons learned on unwanted anniversary

When a child turns 18, that child is an adult, right? On his or her own. That’s the deal. Independence at eighteen. November 14, 2015, marked my 18 years. Time for my freedom. That’s how it’s supposed to be. Only one small thing: Freedom is not on my horizon. Even though I’m fully willing to…Continue Reading

Our 6 habits for marriage, MS and happily ever after

I guess this saying is true: better late than never. I’m only 6 days late. It’s less than a week, which really isn’t too bad. Of course, I cut myself some slack because I have Multiple Sclerosis, and late, well, that is how some of us MS-ers roll. For real, aren’t we ALL late at least…Continue Reading

Maintaining a social life and ADA accommodations

We felt bad and apologized when we asked other people to take care of things we have do each time we attend a public event. Welcome, friends. Our life can be such an inconvenience. Not that the people patiently handling our requests weren’t fully willing to help us. We just regretted having to ask them…Continue Reading