Monday Morning

With this recent rainy weather, I’ve been spending quite a lot of time under the protection of Mumma and Dan’s bed. Yes, there is a roof on our house, but I feel safest hidden there. Despite this burden, I managed to gather a full week of wonderful quotes: Ralph Waldo Emerson, a favorite of mine,…Continue Reading

A New Voice

I see things. I have a great perspective and point of view. I’m smarter than people think. And I have feelings too! I get attached to people, especially caregivers, and it seems like as soon as I warm up to them, poof—gone. Just look at that list of successful caregivers over the last eight years.…Continue Reading

Accessible road trip tips

I recently was watching our friends’ 7-year-old daughter, Abby, and while we were drawing at Dan and my dining room table, our conversation went something like this: “So are you excited about Easter?” I asked. Distracted by the work of art she was creating, Abby muttered, “Uh-huh.” Trying to continue our lively discussion I inquired,…Continue Reading

Mr. and Mrs. Digmann go to Washington

Either our Multiple Sclerosis finally is starting to get to us or we really are getting old. Dan and I are leaning toward the latter (OUCH!). What else would explain how we have been back from Washington, D.C., for over three weeks and have not written about this incredible experience? The Michigan Chapter of the…Continue Reading