AMarch 2019 was a month for us to remember, and we’re charged up to make sure that you never forget it.
As the nation celebrated March as MS Awareness Month, we truly went coast-to-coast to increase awareness and understanding of this chronic disease of the central nervous system.
Our adventures started on March 4 and 5 in Washington, D.C., as we joined nearly 300 nationwide MS activists to meet with our respective Senators and members of Congress on Capitol Hill to advocate on MS-related legislation, and concluded in San Francisco, California, to celebrate the second annual #Progressive MS Day with others in the MS community on the Genentech campus.
The reality is, our MS awareness campaigns started the day
we each were diagnosed over two decades ago. So even though the month of March is
over, our efforts are far from finished.
What’s special about this month is that it opens to door to
start MS conversations and provides the momentum we all need to continue our battles
with this disease for another year.
When the moments, days and weeks with MS start to overpower us in the next 365 days, these are the images and experiences that will inspire and motivate us to keep moving forward, despite and in spite of the MS we share.
One of the countless highlights of our San Francisco trip to celebrate #ProgressiveMSDay was serving on a panel to discuss what it is like to live with this form of the disease. We were so honored to serve on the panel with friends and MS warriors Jeanne Floyd Allen and Kevin Reid, who also live with progressive MS and are featured in videos (see the most recent one below) that were produced to show our journeys. It was such a surprise when we got to San Francisco to see that the official #ProgressiveMSDay postcard featured a quote from Jennifer (and photo too)!
Here’s how Jennifer started #ProgressiveMSDay: an 8:30 a.m. phone call and live interview for Beyond the Heart, the half-hour SiriusXMDoctor Radioshow hosted by Dr. Nieca Goldberg, to talk about progressive MS along with Dr. Florian Thomas.
We #FlexMSMuscle by living our best life and raising awareness for #ProgressiveMSDay on March 28 and every other day of the year!
And to think the month started in Washington, D.C., with nearly 300 MS activists from across the nation, including our delegation of six from Michigan and two of our closest friends from Ohio. Check out the essay “How to flex your MS muscle on Capitol Hill” for more images that will inspire us throughout the year.
Perhaps you’ve read essays from us about how we are huge proponents of making New Year’s resolutions. These are the goals and ideas we set for ourselves to make positive changes and improvements in our lives. But before we look ahead and write down what we hope to accomplish in 2019, we’ve found it’s worth…… Continue Reading
It seems like we just got back from our epic trip to Smith Mountain Lake in Virginia to present at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Brian Mason Weekend Escape. Guess when you successfully tackle one of your biggest flying fears, the adrenaline rush takes its time leaving your system. Sure, we’ve taken direct flights countless…… Continue Reading
Dan and I thought we had it made in Nashville. Flying home from our recent trip, there was a family restroom at the Nashville International Airport. And it even was marked as being handicapped accessible. We quickly learned that not all family restrooms are created equal. I mean, we appreciated the efforts of the Nashville…… Continue Reading
To say Dan and I were looking forward to our trip to New Orleans to serve as the NMSS Louisiana Chapter’s On the Move Luncheon keynote speakers would be putting it mildly. After all, we’ve had a daily countdown written on our refrigerator for the 45 days leading up to our travels. 45… 44… and…… Continue Reading
On a typical Sunday, I often extend my right hand asking, “How are you this morning, Chris?” And her usual response is a heartfelt, “Blessed.” That frequent exchange at church is quick, and so powerful. Just that one word: blessed. Dan and I often have discussed the concept of being blessed. Since we both are…… Continue Reading
My dad always has told me that, “If you want to hoot with the owls at night, you better be able to soar with the eagles at dawn.” And after a late night hooting for the New England Patriots stunning comeback win in Super Bowl LI, I am trying to soar this morning. Slowly, I…… Continue Reading
A few weeks ago, I booked a flight for Dan and my upcoming Dallas trip. It will be the fifth flight we’ve taken throughout the past year and our second to the Lone Star state. We’re starting to get pretty good at this flying stuff 🙂 Interestingly enough, I woke up to this Facebook…… Continue Reading
Multiple Sclerosis possesses weapons that should make Dan and me feel powerless. Striking us with extreme fatigue. Weakening our limbs with constant numbness. Robbing me of my ability to walk. Powerless. But that’s not how we’ve rolled, both literally and figuratively, in our 10 years of marriage. Dan and I have lived to redefine what…… Continue Reading
My initial thought when the National Weather Service issued a winter storm watch was that it was much ado about nothing. The posted watch predicted everything shy of hellfire and brimstone the very day Jennifer and I were set to traverse three hours to Ford Field in Detroit and watch our beloved CMU Chippewas battle…… Continue Reading