Category Archives: Just for Fun

Musical birthday memories

“In Xanadu, did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure dome decree…” So sayeth Olivia Newton-John in one of my all-time favorite movies: Xanadu. I love this 1980 film that was billed as, “A Fantasy, A Musical, A Place Where Dreams Come True.” I love its music, storyline, the roller-skating, and its abundant cheesiness. And I love…Continue Reading

Be a champion everyday

I need you to do something for me: Stop reading this for three seconds and think about what you consider the best victory in sports history. …………………. …………………. …………………. OK. Welcome back. What’d you come up with? Perhaps it’s the Miracle on Ice when the amateur American hockey team upset the highly favored Russian team…Continue Reading

You're invited!

National Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week is March 12-18, and we have an incredible opportunity to increase people’s understanding of this chronic disease of the central nervous system. Central Michigan University’s Clarke Historical Library has invited us to present as part of its annual Speaker Series, and our event is set for 7 p.m. Thursday, March…Continue Reading

For You: Another open letter to Bruce Springsteen

We wrote an open letter to Bruce Springsteen before we saw him in concert a couple years ago. Assuming he didn’t get the letter (he didn’t play our request), we thought we’d try again for the concert coming up in a couple months… Dear Bruce Springsteen, As you scan the sea of signs surrounding the…Continue Reading

See a quarter, pick it up

You all know the storied good-fortune saying about the copper one-cent coin featuring the 16th president of the United States. “See a penny, pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck.” OK, so really. If you’re walking or rolling along the sidewalk and you see a penny sporting Abraham Lincoln’s silhouette, do you…Continue Reading