And to think we didn’t really want to go to the concert in the first place.
Even though our friend Steve Jessmore texted us to see if we were interested in going, and Jennifer’s brother, Steve, also called to invite us, we weren’t sold initially.

Not that we were anti-Judas Priest or Deep Purple. We mean, who doesn’t like to have a good time with friends and classic hits like “Turbo Lover,” “Breaking The Law” and “Smoke on the Water”?
Plus, it was happening less than 10 minutes from our house at the Soaring Eagle Casino and Resort.
But the realities of living with Multiple Sclerosis initially kept us from wholeheartedly embracing the opportunity when it was first presented. At first we saw all of the worsts that could happen:
- It was an outdoor concert, and it’s the middle of summer. Excessive heat and MS don’t mix!
- There’d be no way for us and the two Steves (our friend and Jennifer’s brother) to sit together. That’s the way it goes sometimes when you need a handicapped-accessible seat and are allowed only one companion seat.
- Again, it was an outdoor concert, and it was a long way to the restrooms/Porta-Potties. Distance and MS bladders are the top two ingredients in the recipe for an MS disaster.
- And finally, it was an outdoor concert, and there always is the potential for rain and thunderstorms. Water and Jennifer’s electric wheelchair are the top two ingredients in another recipe for an MS disaster.
Excuses, excuses, excuses.

Instead of looking at all the negatives, we took off our MS-colored glasses and started to look at things in a positive light and said, “We’re in!”
One of the biggest things we’ve learned from living with MS is that you need to take advantage of the opportunities when you have them.
When were we ever going to have this chance to see two legendary heavy metal and rock groups this close to home with two of our most favorite people again?
You’re right: Probably never.
Sure, we didn’t get to sit next to the Steves, but how much do you actually get to talk to the person next to you at a heavy metal concert? Plus, we did get a chance to chat when crews did a set change between the two shows and again when the concerts were over and our hearing returned.
We didn’t let MS make the decision for us. We gave it a shot and took a chance on a concert at the casino.
The odds were in our favor, and we won this time.

There’s a lesson learned in every experience.
Live it each day.
Tremendous message, Dan & Jen. Thank you for sharing!
There is a lesson to be learned in every life experience.
Live it each day.
Tremendous lesson, Dan & Jen. Thank you for sharing!
So pleased for you both! And keep on doing, doing happy things!
Hi Dan and Jen To finish your Judas Priest line …… In this world we’re livin in we’ve had our share of sorrow…..Answer now is don’t give in aim for a new tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember the song well from my teenager days. My name is Pam I am a fellow MS ‘er from Michigan. You both came to our meeting some time ago. I read your book and enjoyed it.
Thanks, Pam! Isn’t it great how music lines have such an influence on us? So glad you connected with us here and enjoyed our book! Remind us again of where in Michigan you live?