Tag Archives: frustrations

Grape Ape

Hmm, what’s today’s date?” he asks before writing the date on the huge stack of paperwork. I answer that it is February 20. “Not bad, let’s see,” he shuffles through the paperwork. “Ordered this on November 4, that means it’s been a little more than three months. Really, not bad, huh?” I answer him, “Nope,…Continue Reading

A hair on my face

This was written Monday, February 28. I was considering dropping the English class I am enrolled in. To see the strange way my mind works, read on. I made a decision today. At least, I think I did. Yep, I’m almost 100% sure. And, it was a piece of hair that helped me decide. I…Continue Reading

A PSA from Jennifer

If you ever have reason stop walking (like you really have a choice in the matter), here are a few things to think about and realities to be prepared for. This may be construed as a “feeling sorry for myself” kind of blog, but really I just want to prepare you for the reality of…Continue Reading

Halfway through

With the posting of my Anthropology 590 grade today (a B+ and I’m okay with that), I have reached the halfway point in my Humanities graduate program at Central Michigan University. Being in the middle, I am reflecting back on some of the things I have learned thus far in my various English, History, Film,…Continue Reading

A good pair of black pants

Whether you are male or female, you probably have heard about the all-important “little black dress,” well for me, an outfit starts with “a good pair of black pants.” It has been a little over eight years since I’ve driven a car. Hate that, but I accept it. Been almost that long since I’ve walked. Yep,…Continue Reading

The bathroom floor imprinted on my face

Yes, on my face. Couldn’t have happened at a worse time. Or so I thought. Right there on a break from my class, Dan was helping me to pivot in the Anspach Hall bathroom and SMACK! Profanity! Profanity! Profanity! And Tears … tears … tears. And that wasn’t just me. I heard profanity and tears…Continue Reading