As our cat Cooper so clearly pointed out in his last blog post, Dan and I are a very busy couple. I’m still not sure if we stay so busy because we are trying to stay in front of our Multiple Sclerosis, or because we want to take advantage of every amazing opportunity this disease presents to us.
What? I can hear you saying. But yes, it is true.
MS has presented us both with our fair share of challenges, but at the same time, we’ve been given the chance to meet and connect with so many amazing people. For instance, last week, I “met” fellow blogger Yvonne deSousa. Yvonne’s blog is about finding humor in a Multiple Sclerosis life.
What a fantastic way to look at the world!
I was lucky to share my thoughts about growing older, Eeek!, on her blog and we look forward to sharing one of her essays in the future.

Along with being part of this great online MS blogging community, we are able to share our personal stories of living with MS. In fact, we are gearing up to present at the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Kentucky/Southeast Indiana Chapter’s “Moving Mountains for MS” family event near Louisville. This will be the second time we have participated at this empowering event in the MS community.
But we are not just MS, our social life keeps us busy too.
This past weekend, we celebrated homecoming at Central Michigan University.
CMU won! We froze! But most importantly, even with (or because of) our busy life, we had a great time!!
Having a lifestyle and MS? unthinkable! But it is possible and the two of you exemplify that. I do feel that my disease has progressed a little more than yours (and everybody else’s, for that matter) and as it progresses, it becomes more and more of a full-time job. But with all of that, Gail and still manage to maintain a very active lifestyle. So it can’t be done. Hooray for us.
Yes indeed, Michael. Hooray for us! And hooray for ALL of us living with MS!! Stay active and continue being awesome 🙂
Yep, you gotta keep going.
MS never stops, so we must never stop as well.
Disappointed you two weren’t on the homecoming court. I thought Dan had connections!
Yes, that’s the truth. And as for the homecoming court, Dan joked that he, “doesn’t rank that high.”
You both are such an inspiration to me and I was so honored to meet you both at the “Moving Mountains for MS” retreat. You both are perfect examples that MS doesn’t control any of us and that we must keep moving forward. You guys wrote to me in the copy of your book I got, to “stay strong in your fight with MS. You got this!” Recently I started a new medicine and what you wrote in that book, that I’ve got this,has reminded me on the rough days that I can do this. Thank you both so much for the encouragement and for sharing your inspiring stories.
Thank you for the awesome feedback and comment, Shelby!
Dan and I enjoyed meeting you, and we love reading that you show MS that yes, indeed, you’ve got this… even on the rough days. As Dan would say, “You ROCK!”
Please stay strong and keep in touch.
Take care,