We’ve made no secrets here about how much we LOVE music! From concerts with Train and O.A.R. to musicals like Wicked and movies like Xanadu (that’s right: Xanadu!), music is fundamental to who we are.

And what we enjoy.
And how we cope.
If you’re living with Multiple Sclerosis or another chronic illness, or, heck, with any other challenges of daily life, what gets you through? Really: What gets you through?
Perhaps it’s prayer. Maybe it’s exercise. Or it could be shopping, sleeping or spending time talking with friends and family.
For us, it’s music.
From the beats and melodies to the lyrics that speak to us where we are, it’s never let us down in our shared fight with MS.
We are among the “MS influencers” who Healthline reached out to for answers about what mantra we use to make it through the daily dealings with this disease.
Visit My MS Mantra: 7 Influencers Share What Keeps Them Strong to learn more about what specifically is helping us and others in the MS community and beyond.
We’re excited to share this essay with you, and in return, we’re hoping you’ll share your mantras with us in the comment section below.