We are so grateful to Vision Mid Michigan for the incredible story about Jennifer and me it has in its current issue! The details of this feature really do a great job to increase awareness about MS as well as what Jennifer and I are trying to do through our blog, speaking engagements and living our life as best as we can.

Check out the story “An unwavering love.”
Vision Mid Michigan is an e-publication and website highlighting the creative people and innovative businesses working towards the future growth of the mid-Michigan region. Our sincere thanks to Bryce Bryce Vredevoogd, Rachel Esterline, Cynthia Drake, Kathy Backus and the rest of the VMM team for their valued work on this e-publication! Check it out and “like” VMM on Facebook here.
Great article about a great couple. I loved the pictures and “…my spirit is one thing this disease can’t touch.”
Dan & Jennifer, thank you both so much for sharing your story with us so we could share it with our audience. What you’re doing to fight MS, in your own lives & via your blog & speaking engagements is to be applauded. You are truly an inspiration.
Judy: Thanks for your encouragement! And for all that the words of you poems help me, it makes me feel good that something I said made an impact on you 🙂 -Dan
Kathy: Thank you for the incredibly kind words! We really appreciate all your help in sharing our story with your audience and showing them two very different faces of MS. Keep up the great work i all that you do. -Dan