On Dec. 16, 2010, Jennifer posted “Halfway through.”
In this blog she talked about how much work she had completed toward her Master of Arts in Humanities degree, as well as the equal amount she had left to finish in order to graduate from Central Michigan University.
On May 4, 2013, her dream of a master’s degree became an educated reality.
So was the amount of work, sleepless nights and MS-related pain and challenges all worth it?
What does her smile tell you?

Congratulations Jennifer!! What an amazing accomplishment. I look forward to reading about what you do with it in coming years.
Congratulations!!! You are inspirational.
Congrats on a job well done!
Congratulations!!!! Well done.
I am so proud of you. You never stop being a great example for all of us. You may have a Masters degree in humanities, but you have mastered the game a human, allies and living and thriving and loving, long time ago.
Mazel Tov.
Yea!! You go Jennifer!! Keep working, thriving, fighting & doing!
Very happy for you.
Jennifer, congratulations on a job well-done! You rock!