Good morning to you all!

I sincerely apologize for my absence last week. After all of those explosions on the Fourth of July, and a week full of rainstorms, complete with near constant thunder and lightning, I was not up to write my Monday Morning inspiration. And because there is no laptop or wifi access underneath the bed, my keyboard remained still and silent. I hope you can understand and forgive my lateness. Weather permitting, it will not happen again.
Other than this aforementioned lapse, I am a pretty amazing cat. I won’t bore you with the details of my brilliance or awesomeness, but instead will share a few of the ironies about Multiple Sclerosis I have noticed over the past eight years living with Mumma and Dan.
Ironies like how the disease has caused them both to slow down, but the progression of disease won’t do the same.
Or how I hear one of them ask the other one, “Will you shoot me?” while smiling. Granted, I now understand the shot is a disease-modifying medication they both take “to treat” their MS but ironic choice of words nonetheless. Speaking of irony, these medicines cost a lot of money. Is there any proof that the shots work?
And my Mumma’s life is full of irony. I mean, she’s in that wheelchair because she was tired and needed to sit, only now complains about being tired of sitting. Also, her MS gave her Trigeminal Neuralgia so her neurologist prescribed medicine to help with the intense pain. But that medicine has made her white blood count too low so she can’t start taking that drug Retuximab I told you about a few weeks ago. See? The disease won’t slow down for her.
Maybe I’m being a crabby cat, but isn’t it ironic to hold a fundraiser named Walk MS for people whose disease steals their ability to walk?
And while I’m being crabby, ironic isn’t it that this blog is but I am doing all the posting! Come on guys, I know you can do it!!
What about you? Any ironies you’d like to share? I’d love to hear from my adoring audience.
Well, I mean, it might be kind of cool.
Finally, here are two excellent pieces of inspiration:
To succeed in life you need three things: A wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone. – Reba McEntire
You don’t want to get to the end of life’s journey and discover you never left the interstate. – Robert Brandt