"did i do that?"

today, i’m feeling quite steve urkel. you know the nerdy, high-waisted jeans and glasses wearing character from the tv show Family Matters. the one with the commonly whined catchphrase, “Did I do that?”

i was in my kitchen. i turned to look at something, yeah i can’t even remember what, it was that trivial … and then there was a sound, a noise more accurately, kind of like nails on chalkboard times 100. this sound was produced by me, naturally. but i have to credit my chair too. it seems that i turned a little too closely next to my refrigerator. my beautiful, surprisingly pristine looking refrigerator.

and now, true to form, my refrigerrator door is the proud new owner of a decent sized scratch. and yet again in my best steve urkel, i am embarrassedly uttering the words, “did i do that?”

this is the risk of living with wheels, or in other words, being in a wheelchair.

as i wrote when describing my bathroom for an english paper earlier this year, “… the absence of crisp, sharp corners on my wooden vanity and towel closet. This demonstrates the fact that I am not a good or careful scooter driver.  When one consistently bumps into cabinets or cuts corners a little too close these are some tell-tale signs.”

like the bathroom, my kitchen is a room that has seen it’s share of damage. damage that i thought i would be less likely to create when i started using a power wheel chair, as opposed the the one-woman wrecking machine that was my scooter. but no matter the chair, if i’m driving it, destruction is sure to lie in my path!

well, it looks like i’m going to have to add appliance scratches to my list of tell-tale signs! and sorry dan but all i can do is smile and say, “did i do that?”

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