I recently asked Dan, “Do you ever talk to yourself?” He answered with an emphatic, “Yes!” But then he asked me the same question, and of course my answer was, “I did. Especially when I was a child. I would have some amazing conversations.”

Even today, I still do. But I have that awful habit of sometimes not talking so nice to myself. Alas, I am a work in progress.
Along those lines, have you ever written a letter to yourself? This may sound silly or like something a high school senior is forced to do. But according to PickTheBrain.com, a website dedicated to self-improvement with a focus on personal productivity, motivation, and self-education, “Writing a letter to yourself gives you insight and teaches you valuable life lessons that will stick with you long afterwards.”
So when HealthCentral reached out and asked me to write a letter to my Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis self, I said, “Of course I will. I look forward to the opportunity.”
I did, but I had no idea how many feelings, emotions and memories this letter would stir up inside me.
My battle with MS may seem somewhat public. After all, Dan and I really try to get our story out there through our blog, advocacy work, online radio program A Couple Takes on MS, and other media. Plus, it’s hard to ignore the reality of my wheelchair.
Even so, there is a lot I keep to myself. This letter really opened up the emotional floodgates for me, but in a good way 🙂 I encourage you to check out my personal letter to myself “It’s Just Two New Words” on the HealthCentral website.
I hope it can help someone as they go through this difficult transitional time of life with Multiple Sclerosis.
Love the idea of writing myself a letter Jennifer, and thanks for sharing. I too am a Michigander (Grand Rapids) and diagnosed with MS, however I was about to turn 43 when told, today I’m 50, and was diagnosed with SPMS right off the bat. I have been aware and following you and Dan since my journey began. I am on my 3rd DMT (Ocrevus) and am settling into my new normal. If ever I do write myself a letter I look forward to the fruits it may bear.
Thanks again Jennifer, and be well (Dan too.)
Fabulous idea and a very insightful letter.
I only wish the post office would have lost my letter…AND my VISA bill.
Keep fighting. ALl the best.