Jennifer and I have known for years that Multiple Sclerosis affects everybody differently. But we quickly are learning that not all MS patients are attacking their disease the same way.
Yes, it is a generational thing. For real. Generational.
We proudly proclaim that we are members of Generation X. We were diagnosed around the same time in the late 1990s and early 2000s, a bit before the Internet became the go-to resource for essentially everybody.
Enter the Millennial Generation, the generation that always has had the Internet and is very comfortable with technology and social media.
This also is the generation that embraces wellness. But, when it comes to taking care of more serious health challenges, many experts are noticing people in their 20s or 30s are approaching healthcare differently and often prioritizing “living their best lives” over thinking about their health.

We had the great pleasure to connect for a video interview (see below) with our dear friend Channing Barker, a millennial-aged woman living with MS. We have known Channing for several years (she was the MC at the event we presented at in Tulsa two years ago) and also are great friends with her mother and fellow MS activist, Patti.
In our conversation, Channing shed some light on her experiences living with MS and the importance of working with her doctor to take control of her health. Also in the interview was Anne Gilbert, the director of programs at Can Do MS, who shared her perspectives on why it’s essential to better connect with and support this younger generation of people living with MS.
After all, we are all in this fight together. But rather than assume each person will follow the same path we took along the way, we just need to meet people where ever they are in their journey.