but i wanted to clean that up!

no, my very first blog will not be about cleaning up our cat cooper’s pee. it’s just that our bundle of joy, as we often call cooper, missing his litter box is one of those little daily annoyances of life that i miss. believe it or not, i miss being able to clean up cat pee!

i miss it because multiple sclerosis makes it easier for someone else to clean the mess up. after making a genuine offer to help clean the mess up, dan weighed his options: it was either me stooping over the box cursing frustratedly as i try to reach the mess or him calmly cleaning the mess up. he chose option 2. and while i don’t blame him, i just wish i could have done it. that is what he lives with as my husband as well as my caregiver, damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

first off, let me introduce myself, i’m jennifer digmann. i will be occasionally sharing my tales of my daily life with multiple sclerosis. i’ve been living with ms for 11 years, my ms is secondary progressive, i no longer walk (i use a wheelchair but long for functioning legs each and every day … but who among us in a chair doesn’t?). my writings or musings, if you will, will never be capitalized. i’m weak on my left side so i seldom use it and one typically uses his or her left hand to press the shift key to capitalize therefore, i don’t. yes, i realize that there are many types of voice activated typing programs on the market, but i am a soft speaker with a subtle lisp (apparently) who is easily frustrated so i’ll stick to my right hand index finger typing method, thank you. did i mention that i’m stubborn, too.  and that i have an amazing husband, dan, who is also dealing with his own case of this miserable disease.

i will try to write honestly.  none of us, whether you yourself have ms or you are the caregiver of someone living with this disease, needs a pollyanna version of life with multiple sclerosis. i like to be positive but i am trying to be real. however, i don’t want to be a whiner. oy…i just really want to clean up cat pee the way i used to.

3 Responses to but i wanted to clean that up!

  1. Jennifer,

    What an awesome first post! Even though we’re friends and I know a lot about you and Dan already, I’m really looking forward to reading your stories of daily life.

    Cynthia (a/k/a “admin”)

  2. Jen, thanks as always for reminding me to count my blessings…among them you as such an inspiring friend!

    P.S. We’re not twins!

  3. Jennifer, you made me smile. It has been soooo many years I even forgot it was Patti’s MS that first left me sole designated cat litter cleaner.

    Caregivingly Yours, Patrick

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