Whether you are male or female, you probably have heard about the all-important “little black dress,” well for me, an outfit starts with “a good pair of black pants.”
It has been a little over eight years since I’ve driven a car. Hate that, but I accept it. Been almost that long since I’ve walked. Yep, that stinks, but considering my disease, life could be much worse. Have to have help in the restroom. That one is hard to accept, but I do –begrudgingly. Again, it could be worse.
However, there is one thing in my life that M.S. affects that I no longer want to accept. It causes me almost daily complaints, and I hate to complain but here goes: I’m sick of Multiple Sclerosis’s hold on my fashion.
Yes, my FASHION.
M.S. makes me question every clothing choice I make. And that is so unfair. It’s been at least seven years since I wore pants that button and zip. Yes, I hear some of you. Indeed, I know how a buttonhook works. But really, how practical is that?
And fun, flirty skirts. Well those just aren’t practical for someone in a wheelchair. Or, honestly, very ladylike either. If I chose a longer skirt, it better cover my T.E.D. hose, my lovely white circulation, edema elevating stockings.
Speaking of those, it been years since I wore sandals, and not to brag but I do have cute toes 🙂 And shorts in the summer. Please! How silly would that be?
So when my wonderful friends and family invite me to social functions, my first thought is always, “What am I going to wear?”
And yes, I hear you dad, my friends would still invite me if I wore a T-shirt and sweatpants, but is it too much to ask that I have fashionable, age appropriate clothes?
I want to wear jeans. Real denim jeans – the kind with cute rinses and style. Not those made from light cotton fabric that only “looks” like denim. Those may work in the summer but come cold weather, what warmth is there in cotton?
Don’t get me wrong, I like and value my almost jeans. And I really appreciate pants with elastic waistbands, which simplify my dressing routine. But I long for buttons and zippers.
As invites to weddings, baby showers, super nice MS Society functions, and opportunities to share our story came my way this summer, I always trusted my slightly dressy, elastic waist black pants. And until fashion changes or until my disease miraculously goes away, you bet for most social occasions, I’ll be wearing those pants, a.k.a. “a good pair of black pants”.

P.S. Those pants were pants were a perfect part of my Halloween costume.
Oh, I so-o-o know what you mean! I long to wear the kind of outfits I used to sport — the special shoes, the flirty skirts, shorts… [enter long sigh]
I can still handle buttons, even though they take a while with one dead hand, but I always need to cover my ugly brace. So no more dresses or skirts.
As vain as it may be, I hate MS especially for that reason![enter even longer sigh!]
nice post. thanks.
AARRGGHHH!! My wardrobe has changed too and we never talk (or complain) about it. Just take the easiest road for our caregivers. Sweats and Sansa-Belt pants. I too miss my more fashionable days…….and I was fashionable. ( :>