Like it or not, it’s fall. The leaves are changing – lots have already fallen off the trees. Temperatures are dropping. The heat is on at our house. And I’m sporting sweaters way more than T-shirts. Yep, as much as I dislike it, fall is here. Which means winter is around the corner.
Depressing, isn’t it?
Rather than sulk (because sulking is fruitless), I’m remembering one of my favorite memories of this summer.
It all came about because of my rambling at a church gathering that was at a beautiful home in Mt. Pleasant situated on the Chippewa River.
“You know this is the year I’m floating the river. Not sure how, but darn it, I’ve lived here 4 years and that is something I’ve always wanted to do!”
I just assumed that because I can no longer walk, this dream was just that. A dream.
But as I soon learned, my rambling was heard by the right people - a Can-Do Bunch of people.
One quiet Sunday this summer, our phone rang. I answered and heard, “It’s a beautiful day to go canoeing and floating. What do you think? Can you meet us at 3 p.m. at Buckley’s? We sure think this might be the last nice day. And Gary, Peggy, Charlie and I think we’ve found the perfect spot to put you in. So what do you think?!?”
After a moment, I recognized the excited voice. It was Sue, a very excited Sue. And after another moment, I realized Sue was serious. That little statement of mine a few weeks earlier was heard by her, Gary, Peggy and Charlie, and they were going to get me on that river. And I was getting on it TODAY.
“Really, Sue,” gulp, “Today? You want to float the river today? Like today, in 5 hours?”
My mind’s racing: Come on tough girl, you’re not scared are you? Duh! Of course, I’m scared. Think Jennifer, think. Dan, surely he’ll object. He’ll think it’s a crazy idea too.
“Let me check with Dan, Sue. Just a sec, okay?”
“Hey Dan, Sue et al (truly that’s what I said, apparently fear brings out my slightly academic side) want to float the river today …”
“Sure, sounds great! What time?” he calmly asks.
Um, okay. Didn’t see that coming, but if Dan thinks I can do it, I probably can.
“Well it’s a plan, mind if I ask Sue and Dave to join us? And what does one wear when floating the river?” I quickly ask.
“Sure, call them, the more the merrier. Um, shorts are good. See you later this afternoon!” Click.
Ah, jeez, “Dan let’s go get me some shorts at Target. And then, I’ve got to shave my legs. Yikes, we’ve got to hurry. I’m floating the river at 3 o’clock.”
I say it again quietly to myself; I’m floating the river at 3 o’clock.
To be continued … I promise 🙂

I can’t wait to hear more of this story!!!! It sounds like a great adventure.
You go girl!
Caregivingly Yours, Patrick
Reading this story brought tears to my eyes. I have a family member who lives with MS and I know the challenges she has faced. I have been silently following your stories for quite some time and I wanted to let you know how you have touched my heart. I can remember being in scouts with you as a young girl all through school, you never know what life will bring your way. I am just so glad to see that you have taken the lemons life has given and truly made some very sweet lemonade! You are such an inspiration Jennifer, I am so proud of you!