Jennifer and I, along with her care coordinator Rochel Genge, R.N. and others from Region VII Area Agency on Aging, interacted with many elected state officials at the third annual Older Michiganians Day in Lansing on June 10.

We even have photographic proof that we advocated for the MI Choice Medicaid Waiver Program through impromptu conversations with influential legislators Sen. John Gleason, Sen. Deb Cherry and Sen. Roger Kahn on the lawn in front of Michigan’s State Capitol Building. While we have met Sen. Cherry and Sen. Kahn before (see related post here), this was the first time we met Sen. Gleason.

But we forever will get giddy when we think and talk about our chance meeting for which we have no picture. No picture because we never expected to run into our State Rep. Bill Caul in the House Office Building hallway as he was rushing to get to a meeting in the Capitol Building across the street .
Sure, we were on our way up to his office to remind him of MI Choice Waiver Program and how it saves the state millions of dollars and how it is making it possible for Jennifer—one of his constituents—to continue living in her own home and positively contributing to her community. But as we made our way to get in line for the elevator, Rep. Caul made his way around the hallway corner and I whispered to Jennifer, “That’s Bill Caul right there!”
Jennifer made a split-second pause to increase the speed of her power wheelchair and, without saying a word to me, sternly rolled forward and called out, “Excuse me, Representative Caul?”
The noticeably tall representative who has served our district since 2004 stopped, looked down at Jennifer and smiled.
“I don’t know if you remember me, but we’ve been down here before to advocate for the MI Choice Waiver Program that provides the services for me to continue living in my own home …” Rep. Caul was shaking his head and kindly cut Jennifer off.
“Of course I remember you,” he said with a smile.
Perhaps he says this to all his constituents but we’ve never felt someone, especially a politician, offer such a genuine confirmation that he knew who we were. They say pictures are worth a thousand words, and I’m wondering if the reason we have no picture of our meeting with Rep. Caul is because a thousand words wouldn’t be enough to describe this moment.
Knowing he had to get going, Jennifer told him we would leave some MI Choice information in his office. While he needed to get going, Rep. Caul stood there for a few more seconds to thank us for coming and for what we do to advocate for the needs of Michigan’s elderly and disabled citizens.
He shook our hands and then made it to his session a few minutes late, all because he took the time to listen to what we had to say.
We came home feeling so empowered and excited about the work we had done that day.

But it not only was for the work we had done to help ourselves, it was knowing our efforts also helped the people who weren’t able to be there to speak for themselves.
We always tell members of our MS self-help group they should be their own best advocates, and we encourage you to do the same.

Find your passion and be a voice to make things better for yourself and for others like you. For example, if advocating for the needs of people living with M.S. is your passion, a great place to start is registering for the National MS Society’s Action Alert to receive news and information about M.S. advocacy news and legislative issues.
To borrow the line our respected fellow blogger Michael Gerber uses to conclude each of his posts at Perspective is Everything: “Participate. Make a difference. Live a life that matters.”
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
Thanks, guys, for all you do! You are inspirational. People really need to dig in and get involved in areas that they feel need reform.:-)
My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!