Author Archives: Jennifer

Musical birthday memories

“In Xanadu, did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure dome decree…” So sayeth Olivia Newton-John in one of my all-time favorite movies: Xanadu. I love this 1980 film that was billed as, “A Fantasy, A Musical, A Place Where Dreams Come True.” I love its music, storyline, the roller-skating, and its abundant cheesiness. And I love…Continue Reading

The Blame Game

As I was reading at the dining room table, I heard a car and then my husband’s voice. “Strange,” I thought. “Maybe Dan ran into someone he knew while he was out on his run.” So I kept reading, only to be horrified when I saw Dan walk in the front door. His right eye…Continue Reading

I've been thinking…

I spent a large part of my summer thinking and learning about disability. Sounds silly right? After all, I shouldn’t need to learn about disability since I live it—having relied on a wheelchair for the last ten years, but now I see disability differently. I better understand the societal, financial, and political realities of having…Continue Reading