Author Archives: admin

BREAKING NEWS: Dan & Jennifer on Acorda Therapeutics "I Walk Because" Web site

After winning Acorda Therapeutics’ national contest in search of people to tell stories of their lives with MS, a series of five podcasts featuring Dan and Jennifer are live on the “I Walk Because” Web site today:

Dan and Jennifer will be checking in later with more details, but please watch these amazing videos and pass them along to your friends!

Catch Dan & Jennifer!

Here’s the lowdown on where to hear Dan and Jennifer! Where: Immanuel Lutheran Church, Fellowship Hall When: Sunday, March 1, at approximately 10 a.m. (between morning services) National MS Awareness Week is March 2-8. To kick off the week Dan and Jennifer Digmann–two people living with Multiple Sclerosis–will share their unique story in a special…Continue Reading


Welcome to Dan and Jennifer’s new Web site! Please bookmark this site or add it to your RSS reader for future updates from Dan and Jennifer, including upcoming speaking engagements and other exciting news.Continue Reading